Sustainable growth and circular economy in the Alpine area: these are the themes at the center of the two-day Milan “BOOSTALPS 2.0”, organized by the Lombardy Region, within the framework of the Italian Presidency of Eusalp 2019, and by Confindustria Lombardia .
With a population of 80 million inhabitants, an extension of 450,000 square kilometers and a GDP of over 3,000 billion euros, 48 Regions, Länder and Cantons of Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Switzerland the Alpine Macroregion – EUSALP represents the economic heart and manufacturing hub of Europe. This Macroregion has therefore full title to direct and influence the economic and industrial policies of the Europe of the future.
Marco Bonometti, President of Confindustria Lombardia, speaking at Palazzo Lombardia, stated that “sustainability in production processes is the key to the competitiveness of companies on the global market and the Alpine Macroregion represents the ideal context to contribute to the European Union’s strategy on the circular economy, through the development and promotion of synergies between macro-regional strategic supply chains with benefits on the competitiveness of the area in the global market “.
“Businesses need certainty and clear rules to continue investing in the circular economy. The timing of politics cannot curb the momentum of the circular economy, a true element of industry’s competitiveness; secondly by promoting an interregional tender to encourage the circular economy, collaboration between supply chains and partnership projects between the regions of the area “, concludes Bonometti.
Raffaele Cattaneo, Councilor for Environment and Climate of the Lombardy Region and responsible for the strategy of the Macroregion Alpina Eusalp in his opening speech confirmed “the commitment for this presidency of Eusalp to bring the competitiveness of the macro-region to the interregional European scale through the promotion of new job opportunities in the green economy and innovative technologies sectors. Today innovation means sustainability
For the Councilor for Economic Development of the Lombardy Region Alessandro Mattinzoli “Circular economy is a fundamental and new theme for both designers and institutions. Therefore it is necessary to stimulate and support economically innovative experimental projects that can translate into concrete operational paths and replicable good practices. Just last Monday the tender on this issue started, and we hope it will be a success, because it responds to the real needs of companies”.